Shipping Information
Typically orders placed by 2:00 PM ET will ship that day (Monday – Friday, US holidays excluded).
Exact shipping costs are calculated as part of check out. A variety of FedEx and USPS options are available. FedEx / USPS policies apply, such as the carrier’s delivery timelines and guarantees.
All orders are shipped from Wyoming.
We ship to all countries except those restricted by US law or FedEx: Afghanistan, Belarus, Bhutan, Cuba, Gaza, North Korea, Russia, Sierra Leone, Ukraine, Yemen, etc. If you believe we can ship to your country but it is not listed as an option on the checkout page, please contact us.
Order Tracking
An email with tracking information is automatically sent upon an order being shipped. Tracking information maybe slightly delayed, particularly with USPS.
All international shipments are sent with FedEx. International shipments are subject to import fees, duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches the destination country, in addition to brokerage fees/custom clearance charges which may be imposed by the carrier. These charges must be borne by the recipient. CamRanger has no control over these charges and cannot predict what they might be. If an international shipment is refused and/or returned, any taxes, duties, custom fees, brokerage fees or shipping charges incurred from this return, will be the responsibility of the customer.
Damaged items upon delivery
If a shipment is delivered damaged, please keep the original shipping container and contact us immediately.
Stolen Items
CamRanger is not responsible for any items that are stolen after delivery to the provided shipping address. If signature confirmation is required to ensure a safe delivery please provide a note in the order notes field. A surcharge may be required for this service.
Please feel free to contact us with any shipping related questions.